Written by Amore
Elements to deepen the SPIRITUAL FULFILLMENT component of the Symposium
This is an INVITATION to HONOR the SOUL & SPIRIT of the Symposium
[This is just a possible interpretation of what the essence of the Symposium is. Please make your suggestions.]
1. SPIRITUAL FULFILMENT is currently the weakest link of the trilogy (since Social Justice became highlighted after Van Jones presentation)
[Suggestion: Let’s REVAMP this area and treat it with equal importance as the other two areas of the Symposium.}
2. The SPIRITUAL CRISIS is rooted in the sense of SEPARATION from:
a) NATURE: Ecological crisis, nature as resource, 6th mass extinction
b) Fellow HUMANS: Social injustice-racism-isolation-not belonging)
c) SPIRIT: Lack of purpose and meaning)
d) OURSELVES: Mind/heart, inner/outer)
e) LIFE: Eagle/condor, rich/poor, north/south, white/color, young/old
Ecology/Social Justice/Spirituality
[Suggestion: To recognize that the feeling of separation prevails in ALL SPHERES of our life, not only in regards to nature.]
3. This Spiritual inner crisis translates in an EXTERNAL CRISIS as:
War, violence, fundamentalism, hatred, alcohol, drugs, autism, depression, suicide
All these are MANIFESTATIONS of that sense of separation and SPIRITUAL VOID
[Suggestion: To frame these external crises in the CONTEXT of a Spiritual Crisis,]
Are the WAY to inner peace, purpose, meaning and Spiritual Fulfillment.
5. The theme of Spiritual Fulfillment can be approached at two LEVELS:
A) At a personal level as Facilitators
B) At the Symposium level.
A.) As FACILITATORS, it is important to RECOGNIZE that the ATD Symposium:
1. Is an integral part of our own SPIRITUAL PRACTICE
2. Gives higher PURPOSE and deeper MEANING to our lives
3. Is an important path for our SERVICE
4. Provides us with a vibrant COMMUNITY and a strong sense of CONNECTION and BELONGING
5. Is a powerful means to AWAKENING ourselves and others
6. Reflects our deepest VALUES and ETHICS
7. Makes our HEART SING: We feel more love, joy and compassion
8. Through the Symposium we are a CONDUIT for Spirit, the VOICE of PACHAMAMA expressing through us.
9. In Synthesis, the Symposium gives us, as facilitators, a tremendous sense of SPIRITUAL FULFILLMENT
[Suggestion: Let’s recognize the Symposium as part of our own Spiritual fulfillment and practice.]
Once we RECOGNIZE what the Symposium really means to us, we can PERMEATE this awareness into HOW we DELIVER the Symposium.
Suggestion: Let’s our ENTHUSIASM about Spiritual Fulfillment be contagious through the Symposium.
[Suggestion: To create a safe container through a clear distinction between Spirituality and Religion so that the people who take the Symposium don’t feel threatened.]
Pachamama needs us. We must come loud and clear in conveying her message. The more we have Spiritual Fulfillment in the Symposium, the more we’ll convey fulfillment…The fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor.
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Wednesday, August 22
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