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Saturday, June 16

Morning Sharing with Bill and Lynne

As one person said in this morning’s sharing last night we were christened with a group ritual by Vinit’s friends, Michael, Celstine, and .... Heather accompanied with crystal bowls. We sang and chanted in rounds of amazing harmony led by Doug Van Koss for an hour and a half. It was an amazing experience of community through sound, movement, singing to each other, and circle dances. So much fun!

Below is some sharing from this morning’s reporting to Lynne and Bill Twist after they arrived. Many shared with them what they got from yesterday's events, reflecting on the potency of Van Jones speech and the imperative to integrate social justice into our work.

Lynne followed with saying that there would be no one better on the planet than Van Jones to initiate the earthquake of waking up. What is happening on the planet now because of the ATD emerging work is extraordinary. So many facilitators in one with such networks exemplify this.

Lynne said she bowed to us for opening ourselves so fully to this next chapter of changing the dream. What a gift to be at the forefront of the ground breakers to open it up. She is moved, excited, real proud of the Symposium, Pachamama, and all of us.

Here are some of the morning comments:

What struck me is what Van Jones said about how frustrated people of color feel. It was very potent for me…by 10:30 AM everyday, most can’t handle the insensitivity to their issues and are on overload, shutting down every single day.

Lynne and Bill, and staff, allowed Van to get to the place to be in the place where he could meet us. They gave him the bridge and he walked through it to meet us so we could walk over it with him. Thank you.

Van Jones blew my circuits. What he talked about was the authentic ability to listen and the importance of all of this work to help us do it.

This was a perfect weekend for us to showcase waking up. Van Jones helped us wake up in his speech and that is what we need to model for youth and everyone.

The thing that is most important for me to say that what I am most uncomfortable about is that I got from Van Jones that we will all have to go through trememdous pain to deal with social justice issues and integrate this with our work.

Van Jones is the first person who has understanding who can start to shine the way forward. I had no idea there was so much pain in America. We need to work with global equity and partnership to transform the wold money and trade situation through equanimity.

1 comment:

Sheila Gore said...

Susan... I just read your blog and watched some You tube video clips of Van Jones... such moving things to observe... I'm sitting here in the UK (Hi to Nick and Hetty and Jon and all others I know from here...) the sun is shining it is the evening and I'm watchin Jon and all of you cheering it looks fantastic. The energy of Van Jones reaches right across here and your words, Susan, slam home the importance of the 3 interconnections of the symposium. One of the clips of Van that I watched (not part of the gatering clips) had a brilliant piece in it about the relevance of polar bears dying when your children are suffering from asthma due to pollution. Its the local that has impact, local that grounds you... it seems to me that to talk to my neighbour is the most important thing I can do...
I could go on for ages but I'll stop now and just say to anyone at the gathering KEEP BLOGGING it makes a difference... your talking to me

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