Thanks for joining us!

This page is your link to what's going on at the 2007 Global Community Gathering. To make it truly global, we created this page so that everyone can be included, even those who weren't able to travel to Oakland. We'll be posting news and opinions here as the Gathering progresses. You can use this page to visit the Gathering from home. Click the ‘comments’ link below each post’s title to add your own comments. Clicking on the title of a post allows you to read the comments other people have made.

Wednesday, June 20

An Inspiring Story from Africa

Anna Pollock asked that a link to this story be posted here. It's in keeping with Van Jones' message to leave the computer and mouse behind and go out where the people are. Magical things can happen in the unlikeliest of places.


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Thanks Bill for creating the link. As you can see, I figured out ow to create posts too. But how many other participants in Oakland do or will post? Do we nee a post on "how to to blog?" Is there a demand?

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