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Wednesday, June 27

Workgroup Notes: ATD in Politics and Government

Notes from Open Space session on Sunday, June 17, 2007 on the subject of:

How do we take the ATD Symposium into politics and governments? – and should we?
Also, we addressed somewhat how to generally take ATD to others, “beyond the choir.”

Convened by Chris LeBreton

Others attending: Syd F., Azlan, Mary Ellen F., Vickie Peak, Adriana Farkouh, Sheri Herndon, Larry Dean, Linda Delair, Bruce Thompson, Tuck Taylor

It may be good to remake a version of ATD for govt., as people are doing for business. Would like to follow pattern, as Thomas Berry says, we must meet people where they are; match the language and the way we present to their world. We ought to communicate we are all losing…the challenge is to awaken politics to the possibility of everybody winning. Bill Twist is showing us ways that governments are able to work with us and support the vision. (Vickie)
Whatever state people are in, we want to package the material compellingly. So people want to agree Awaken/move people with connections. (Adriana)
Approach the grassroots, local levels first. Everything is political and where we have the most influence is at local levels. (Azlan)
Create teams to get to world leaders.
Think we have opportunities with mega-churches.
Share with each other our “best practices” (what works, templates to try and give feedback on, in different locations). Start with city council, share successes and evidence of interest in the wider community with them; so that at least one person “gets it.” Here’s an untapped resource: Jesse Jackson Jr. and Sr. & family, Sheri has an uncle who works very closely with them. Van Jones may want to be part of making introduction to them, building a platform, plus getting fuel to be stepping up the social justice agenda.
How to use email and internet best? –Yahoo is not enough. -Sheri H.
We have allies in all levels of govt already; local, county, state, national, esp. in U.S. the EPA. Want to echo that I think it’s best to start at the local level first. Have 1-on-1 conversations, plan a symposium if they are interested but start with a small group so they feel connected easily. Check your assumptions at the door about what they know or how they are going to be. I don’t think we have to remake a special government oriented ATD. (SydF.)
Marin County focus sessions have happened. Mayor also president of the US initiative for Green Cities and the ICLEI initiative for climate. Show them things that work.
Important how we show up: We look at the script in ATDs; the people look at us.
Politicians are afraid to lead, afraid to be first.
Staff of local and state elected representatives however, are really powerful in the policy proposal and bill-writing process. They do research and writing, advise the officialsare more open to talk with people and can influence policy.
In political parties, there are feelings of powerlessness and desperation. Meetings contentious and adversarial. We can help them come together and help them see win/win solutions to help us all. (Tuck)
We have examples of some officials having attended ATDs and who were very positively affected.
Drop perfectionism. Just reach out.
Chris talked about different hats he has worn in political (electoral) arena and as a civil servant. There is more openness and spirit of serving the public in the civil service.
Keep non-partisan. ALSO: Think globally and locally, not just the over-media hyped national level of politics.
We can still take stands, and not be positional/political.
Whatever political position or issue or bill people want to discuss, discuss it NOT in the ATD itself, but in breaks or outside of them, and test its value against the 3 objectives of the ATD: does it contribute to an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, and socially just. Look through this lens when asked to respond to issues.
In the US anyway, there is value is George Lakoff’s work, Don’t Think of an Elephant. It’s about Republicans and Democrats (though they’re not the only parties, they are so massively controlling the US political mind)
There are internalized assumptions that everyone deserves what they get. Help show, with compassion, that this assumption and others are not factual, that there are institutional barriers to change unless we can transform our institutions.
Create a draw around aligning with tripartite objective. In any country, we can seek alignment of political parties and/or create whole new political parties with these shares values and understandings.

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