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This page is your link to what's going on at the 2007 Global Community Gathering. To make it truly global, we created this page so that everyone can be included, even those who weren't able to travel to Oakland. We'll be posting news and opinions here as the Gathering progresses. You can use this page to visit the Gathering from home. Click the ‘comments’ link below each post’s title to add your own comments. Clicking on the title of a post allows you to read the comments other people have made.

Saturday, June 16

Your Planet Needs You

John Symes, one of our very own facilitators, has written a fabulous book called Your Planet Needs You – A Handbook for Creating the World That We Want. While written before taking a Symposium, the material echoes much of the ideas, concepts and hopes expressed in Awakening the Dreamer, Changing The Dream material and affords an insightful and practical summary of both the issues and the practical steps we can all take to “being the change” we want to see in the world. The book is full of original and impactful illustrations by Phil Turner and will be enthusiastically received by all Symposium participants.

Most importantly, John is making this book available to all facilitators at a discounted price of $10:00 with a recommended sales price of $20.00. He asks that facilitators use the discount to forward the cause of the Pachamama Alliance in the way that they consider most appropriate. For more information, view

Thank you John and Phil for this loving gift to us all!

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